Ein Cymuned
Emily Bilbie
Cyfarwyddwr y Prosiect
Mae Emily Bilbie yn beiriannydd dylunio wyneb-wyneb yn PDR, ac yn gynhyrchydd yn SPD Learning.
Mae Emily yn angerddol am ...
... darparu'r cyngor, yr arbenigedd a'r ymgynghoriaeth sy'n ofynnol i ddod â chyfleoedd cynnyrch newydd i'r farchnad yn effeithiol.
Mae gan Emily arbenigedd mewn Geomagic FreeForm Plus, Materialize Mimics, SolidWorks a dulliau dylunio a chynhyrchu datblygedig eraill gyda chymorth cyfrifiadur sy'n ofynnol i gynhyrchu dyfeisiau meddygol wedi'u personoli.
Ex Project Director
Yr Athro Dominic Eggbeer
Arweinydd Academaidd
Mae'r Athro Dominic Eggbeer yn uwch ymchwilydd ym maes mewnblaniadau llawfeddygol a phrosthesis wyneb yn PDR, Prifysgol Fetropolitan Caerdydd.
Mae Dom wedi ymrwymo i wella iechyd a lles trwy ddatblygu technolegau peirianneg dylunio digidol 3D datblygedig sy'n berthnasol i reoli cyflyrau acÃwt a chronig.
Mae hefyd yn llywydd Sefydliad ADT sy'n anelu at gysylltu, addysgu ac ysbrydoli pob disgyblaeth sy'n ymwneud â datblygu'r defnydd o dechnolegau digidol arloesol wrth ailadeiladu'r pen a'r gwddf.
Professor of Healthcare Applications
Peter Evans
Maxillofacial Laboratory Manager, Morriston Hospital
Emily Parker-Bilbie directed and produced content for SPD-Academy. She has now moved on to another role.
Professor Dominic Eggbeer is a senior researcher in the field of surgical implants and facial prosthesis at PDR, Cardiff Metropolitan University.
Dom is committed to improving health and wellbeing through the development of advanced 3D digital design engineering technologies applied to the management of acute and chronic conditions.
He is also president of the ADT Foundation which aims to connect, educate and inspire all disciplines involved in developing the use of innovative digital technologies in reconstruction of the head and neck.
Dom is a founder member and treasurer of CARTIS and works part time at Apex Additive Technologies focussing on the production of custom implants.
Peter is well renowned in the field of Maxillofacial Prosthetics, being part of a team that pioneered the use of Craniofacial Implants in the UK for retention of Maxillofacial Prosthetics.
Studying Maxillofacial Prosthetics in London in 1987 he moved to Wales to join the Welsh Craniofacial Implant Team.
He is presently Head of Prosthetic Maxillofacial Rehabilitation at Morriston Hospital, Swansea. His main areas of interest include facial prosthetics for children, craniofacial implantology and 3D modelling and imaging. He has published extensively in on the integration of digital technologies into facial prosthetics and implants.
Peter is a full member of the IMPT, a founder member and secretary of CARTIS and secretary of the ADT Foundation.